Mrs.Deepa Jayaroy
Our Principal's Message
The basic vision of CBSE is to inspire learning for physical, emotional, social and intellectual well being of students. And this can be directly linked to the famous quote of Gandhi JI “By education I mean an all round drawing of the best in child and man, in body, mind and spirit.”
As educators and parents we need to understand that an all round development of a child is possible only when he is provided the positive atmosphere to develop the best in him. We must reject the concept that intelligence means the ability to compute mathematical problems, possess scientific aptitude, memory power and scoring marks.
Today we need to know that now intelligence has taken a broader horizon and possess many kinds of intellectual capacity which could be musical, verbal, spatial, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic etc.
We, at S.N.G.C.S staunchly believe that every child is precious and unique, and that what children require are experiences, exposure and the freedom to explore and find out whether he possess spatial intelligence, kinesthetic intelligence or is a naturalistic or linguistic so that they discover and develop the best in them.
Sree Narayana Guru had said, “ Gain freedom through education”
“Gain strength through organization”
“Gain prosperity through Industry”
Following his teachings we at SNGCS’ are not only persistently functioning to give the best to the students but also providing them all opportunities to get educated in the true sense, plan well and act independently and logically so that they come out as an emotionally balanced intellectually competent and physically fit individual.